Purple it Up Transitional Housing Initiative

Throughout the states there are only a few fully equipped locations and resources available for individuals enduring this life changing experience. I am inviting you to stand up with me and assist in any way you are able.

Together we can provide the following:
Advantage Point Homes: Our Goal is 50 Homes Statewide
Operation Safe Place

There is a great need for shelters and ongoing resources supporting advocacy throughout each community. In fact in state of Florida there are only sixteen known safe locations for a victim to go to for safety.

Furthermore, when their time is exhausted in the domestic violence shelter the individual has to start all over looking for a place to call home. These active resources are limited. However, the victim’s safety is even more vital at this point.

We provide:
*Relocation Services
*Transitional Housing
*Permanent Placement - Home Ownership Assistance

In many cases the victim will go back to the abuser because of the fear of being homeless and/or stranded. The resources provided usually gives precedence to mothers or fathers in this situation but the single individual needs shelter also. We provide services to all victims.

We are looking for realtors and homeowners that have (non-productive or rehab) property and would like to put it to good use, by allowing us to secure the property for our Advantage Point Homes Transitional Housing Initiative.

For more information contact Veronica at: 813-922-5433 Or Email: contact@purpleitup.org

Purple It Up

Purple it Up Mandatory Life Legal Counsel
In addition to surviving the imminent danger or making the decision of flight or fight, it becomes imperative to have immediate legal counsel. This continuously remains an uncertainty, which is very unfortunate to tarry this alone. Most victims are repetitively victimized because they have very little legal advice throughout the process.

As we stand to aggressively advocate that domestic violence is far more mental before its physical we need you to stand with us. In most cases, it is very clear the victim is at the point of helplessness, and becomes overwhelmed due to the circumstances. Most of the time the victim does not have the ability to pay for legal services.

We provide:
*Point of call legal representation up to 10 years
*Ongoing Case Management
*Counseling Services



Purple it Up Advocate Life Link - Network of Support/Resources for Community Advocates

As you may know it takes a lot of time and monetary support to keep places available for the support of victims. It is critical to have the resources available to help when needed. We want to embrace all the resources and link them.

We plan to provide:
*Advocated Outreach Center
*Life Skills Training/Educational Scholarships
*Community Advocacy & Supportive Resources

For more information contact Veronica at: 813-922-5433 Or Email: contact@purpleitup.org


© 2015 All Rights Reserved Purple It Up, Inc.
A Domestic Violence Awareness

For Assistance Contact Veronica: Phone 813-922-5433 Or Email: contact@purpleitup.org


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